alpha v3
What's New
- Private Messagescan now be viewed and replied to under Inbox → Chats
- Scaled Sort(new to Lemmy 0.19.x) is now available as the "Spotlight" sorting option throughout Lemmynade
- Infinite Scrollinghas been rebuilt from the ground up. Your scroll position is now saved correctly, everything is faster, and many bugs have been exterminated.
- The Inboxhas been updated with infinite scrolling and slightly faster loading times
- Your Home Feedtabs (My Feed, Local, and All) can now be switched between without loosing your place
- In addition to long-pressing on user/community names, you can now Block & Unblockusers and communities on their individual pages from the ••• menu
- Upvoted & Downvoted Postsare now browsable from dedicated sections in your Account page
- Profile Agecan now be seen from user profile pages
- Support has been dropped for instances running Lemmy 0.18.5 and lower. This was a tough decision, but will ultimately allow faster, more focused development on new features while we're still in alpha testing.
- Vote scores have been removed from user profile following changes made in the latest Lemmy update
Fixed & Improved
- Context menus and dialogs are snappier with better animations and reworked interactions
- The top and bottom app toolbars are now a bit smarter about when they auto-hide
- Fixed an issue that prevented clicking or tapping on action buttons on post pages
- Minor bug fixes and improvements have been made in preparation for desktop layout down the road
- Links in the feed and on individual post pages now use the same description (as they should)
- Fixed an issue that caused images to flash when opening a post
- The one-time-password field on the login page is now always shown to accommodate discrepancies between instances for the time being until the login page redesign
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the description of a post's attached URL to overflow outside of its container
- Fixed an issue where posts were being marked as read from post feeds if your finger touched them while scrolling
- A heart has been added to the top of the home page to make it easier to support Lemmynade's development
- Many other minor bug fixes and improvements